Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 Group Assignment

Week 7 Group Assignment

Q Assignment Instructions This assessment aims to help students apply, integrate, evaluate and synthesize theories and concepts learned in Strategic Marketing. Students will create a strategic marketing plan with supporting the summary presentation. The project is designed for groups of 3 to 5 students. Week 7: Strategic Marketing Plan Presentation (50 points) - Due Last Day of Term As a group, present and record your plan in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (left-hand navigation menu under Toolbox), using PowerPoint slides or other helpful visual aids to guide your recorded presentation. Have one group member send a quick email to the instructor communicating your presentation date and time. If available, your instructor will attend live. If not, your instructor will use the recorded session for grading. Strategic Marketing Project Rubric Presentation due by Last Day of Term.

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TARGET AUDIENCE ANALYSIS & DESCRIPTION Loyal Amazon Prime subscribers Customers seeking a more personalized subscription Focus directly on the behavior of customers with regards to purchasing, Using every opportunity to turn casual buyers into loyal, big money buyers. “Given the importance of consumer data to its operations, Amazon increasingly designs services whose purpose is, at least in part, to collect more data about consumers” (West, E. (2019).